Newlywed Home

In Late Spring 2020, we were referred to a beautiful, young couple who were learning to renovate their house on their own; together. They had a wedding planned for Summer of 2020. COVID hit these sweeties hard. Their wedding was cancelled, their honeymoon was cancelled, and Mrs, an elementary school teacher, was learning to shape the minds of young children from a makeshift classroom in her bedroom. Mr, an engineer, knew that it was imperative that they finish the renovation during the Summer. We got busy.


Shift focus

The surprising beauty of doing all of the physical labor for your renovation is that you fall in love with your home in deeper way. You come to know and love every inch of the space. Their home renovation turned into their focus. They were able to get a full refund on their reception. The couple decided to fund their home renovation with their wedding savings. They used their honeymoon budget to buy new appliances. They worked diligently on their home then took a quiet trip to the mountains of Tennessee to celebrate their union.  

Smack dab in the middle of the “The Great COVID Appliance Drought”, we were able to score these sexy Fulgar Milano Appliances. Fulgor Milano is a lesser known brand, manufactured in Italy; their appliances are amazing values for their sleek, modern aesthetic and professional application.

We were with them through the entire construction process; guiding them on the journey of opening walls, plumbing, electrical, tiling, and finally installing Semi-Custom Breeze by Woodharbor Cabinetry.

Classic Chic

Pulling two separate spaces together as one kitchen can be tricky; we respected the bones of this classic Chicago Bungalow by coordinating finishes in various shapes.


We chose clean and calming Painted Thyme for the bases with Walnut Stained Knotty Alder for the Range Wall Backsplash, Walls and Talls.


Cambria Brittanicca Warm to create further cohesion.

The Result

We are forever impressed by the stories of fortitude during the quarantine. This Bride and Groom demonstrated such grace through the very real trials they faced; we are honored to play our part in creating their Happily Ever After.

Fashion Forward, Complex Design. Simplified but not Effortless.

Construction requires precision. It requires dialogue. Please contact us to set up a gentle introduction. We always start with Texting, Whatsapp or Email.